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ILoveToSail.Club - best yacht rental deals


12324certified yachts
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54best maritime regions
6085hot deals next week
Yuri Chumak

Yuri Chumak


Hello Friends,

We welcome you to the best site for people planning their yachting vacation.

Yes. We are the best. And though at the moment there are many other online resources who think otherwise, we, as users of these services, have built our operation exactly how we have wanted to see it from the very beginning.

As little as 5 years ago it seemed that the internet and search engines allowed us to find all necessary information at our fingertips, such as contacts and photos. But as progress quickly overcame this threshold, readily available information has instead become excessive, uncontrollable and often unreliable, while navigating through it can be difficult.

I had the vision that planning yachting vacations was to be simple and convenient at a minimal cost, while the number of options and possibilities to be unlimited. I was lucky. I found like-minded people. I managed to find good specialists. We joined our forces, knowledge, and experience, and gathered it all here at the best online resource for those who choose to travel under sail.

Together with my team we have assembled offers of more than 24,500 yachts in all parts of the world. We have put together useful information that will help you prepare and experience an unforgettable journey, and give you the opportunity to order at a price from the owners at no extra charge. We bring you this material in a sleek, simple, and intuitive interface, and every day we are working so that you will have even more benefits, more choices, and more opportunities.

Together with my team we are creating the best site. The kind of site that we use, as well as our friends, friends of friends, and our new friends, among which I hope will be you.
