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Secure Payments - Only pay when your booking is confirmed
No Extra Costs - Pay the same price online as you would in person
Every booking is checked by us with yacht manager and only after all documents are properly proceed we make the payment to the charter company name
Note. You authorize and approve that your credit card shall be debited upon confirmation of the Booking by the Charter company. You are required to pay the Full Booking Fee as stated in the Charter’s Listing on the Website. Such payment is obligatory only in case the Charter approves the booking request for the particular booking.
The Payment of the Full Booking Fee should be made like mentioned below (unless otherwise agreed between the Charter and the Guest):
For Bookings earlier than 30 days from check in: You has the possibility to choose either to pay 100% of the Full Booking Fee instantly upon the approval of the Charter of the respective Booking or to pay 50% of the Full Booking Fee instantly upon the approval of the Charter for the particular Booking and the rest of the sum to be paid at latest 30 days prior to the date of check in.
For Bookings later than 30 days from check in: The Guests will be requested to pay 100% of the Full Booking Fee.